OCTOBER 25-27, 2024
Worcester, MA
Venue: Worcester State University
Sullivan Auditorium
Questions or Comment?
Events: Bob Bradley
Contests: Alan Lamson
Get Ready to Shine: Barbershop Harmony Takes Center Stage!
Calling all competing quartets and choruses! Are you ready to showcase your vocal talents at the upcoming district competition?
We've got all the essential details to help you plan and prepare for a stellar performance.
Quartet Contest:
Friday, October 25th
Quartet Semi-final sessions take place in the afternoon (2:30 PM) and evening (5:45 PM).
Stage access is directly from your warm-up room, located on the same level as the stage and backstage area.
Chorus Contest (including VLQs):
Saturday, October 26th
The competition starts at 10:30 AM.
Stage access is also directly from your warm-up room.
The auditorium might have a chorus shell or monitor speakers depending on the sound check results.
MUSICALITY: Evan Boegehold, Melody Hine, Erin Odell
PERFORMANCE: Greg Caetano, Sean Devine, Theresa Weatherbee
SINGING: Jay Butterfield, Ig Jakovac, Tim Waurick
Key Information for Competitors:
Dates & Location: Register Now! The competitions take place on Friday, October 25th (Quartet Contest) and Saturday, October 26th (Chorus Contest) at the Sullivan Auditorium on the Worcester State University campus.
No Headquarters Hotel: Due to high demand, there's no designated competition hotel this year. Check out the Convention Info page and surrounding areas like Auburn, Millbury, and Sturbridge for accommodation options.
Meals: Fuel your performances! The WSU cafeteria will be open for Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Pre-purchase tickets online or at the registration desk.
Warm-up Rooms: Get ready for the stage in designated warm-up rooms assigned to each quartet and chorus in the same building as the Auditorium.
Stage Specs: Prepare for a mid-sized auditorium with a well-equipped stage. Details about stage dimensions, risers, and access points are provided below.
Feedback Sessions: Hone your skills with personalized feedback sessions offered in various formats—your pre-selected preferred choice will be reflected on your entry form. All Feedback sessions will be in your warm-up room.
Your delegate has been instructed to share the information with all ensemble members
Review the complete contest information received by your delegate for detailed specifications and logistics.
Ask your group’s delegate to contact the competition coordinator (JJNLN@aol.com or 860-646-4955) if you have any questions.
We wish you all the best for a successful and rewarding competition!
A quartet must meet all the following requirements:
(NED Operating Code – Paragraph
Is eligible to win the District Quartet Championship
Contains no more than two members who have competed at a district or higher level
Music, Performance and Singing - judging categories, do refer to the BHS “Contest and Judging Handbook” on the Society’s website.
Detailed descriptions can be found on Page 5-1 (Musicality), 6-1 (Performance), and 7-1 (Singing).
Musicality - Judges in this category score the musical elements in the performance: melody, harmony, range, and tessitura; tempo and rhythm; construction and form; and embellishments. They judge the extent to which the musical performance displays the hallmarks of the barbershop style, and the degree to which the musical performance demonstrates an artistic sensitivity to the music’s primary theme.
Performance - (formerly the "Presentation" category) - The new Performance Judge evaluates entertainment within the Barbershop style. Vocal and visual elements, in the context of the song choice/s, are evaluated for their contribution to the overall entertainment effect of the performance.
Singing - Judges in this category evaluate the degree to which the performer achieves artistic singing in the barbershop style: the production of vibrant, rich, resonant, technically accurate, and highly skilled sound, created both by the individual singer’s use of good vocal techniques, and by the ensemble’s process of tuning, balancing, unity of sound, and precision. They listen for a sense of precise intonation, a feeling of fullness or expansion of sound, a perception of a high degree of vocal skill, a high level of unity and consistency throughout the performance, and a freedom from apparent effort that allows the full communication of the lyric and song.
Each judge may award up to 100 points per song.