Mission Statement


The mission of the Northeastern District (NED) of the Barbershop Harmony Society is to passionately assist in the promotion and encouragement of Barbershop Harmony through singing, education, and community.


Our mission: to bring people together in harmony and fellowship to enrich lives through singing. Our vision: Everyone in Harmony


A. Code of Ethics
The BHS Board of Directors (the “Board”) acknowledges that the actions and behaviors of all people in barbershop are a critical part of our culture. To that end, the Barbershop Harmony Society (“BHS” or the “Society”) Code of Ethics is guided by our Core Values and Statements of Affirmation.

B. Core Values

1. Inclusion
BHS members welcome all singers and potential singers into our community and create environments for them to thrive regardless of their circumstances or abilities.

2. Service
BHS members regularly give our time, talent, and treasure to support the organization and ensure it thrives in perpetuity.

3. Humanity
BHS members assume positive intent, treat others with integrity and respect, and embrace opportunities to learn and improve.

C. Statements of Affirmation

  1. We change lives through close harmony singing

  2. We embrace opportunities to grow as musicians and as people

  3. We go out of our way to welcome others

  4. We treat each other with dignity

  5. We celebrate shared successes

  6. We foster, encourage, and enable others’ growth

  7. We encourage all to contribute in meaningful and impactful ways

  8. We respect and acknowledge our differences

  9. We create an environment where everyone can participate and be empowered to succeed

  10. We elevate one another musically and personally

Taken together, the Core Values and Statements of Affirmation exemplify what is considered a “person of good character and reputation.”

The Purposes of the Barbershop Harmony Society

  1. To perpetuate the old American institution: the barbershop quartet and barbershop harmony;

  2. To promote appreciation of barbershop harmony;

  3. To initiate and maintain a broad program of musical education, contests, and appreciation in support of barbershop harmony and the allied arts;

  4. To establish and maintain foundations that support our vision; and

  5. To initiate, promote, and participate in charitable projects that support our vision