This page last updated: Sunday, Jan. 23, 2022 - 1300h
NED•NEWS Advertising 2022
Advertise in the Monthly NED•NEWS! New for 2022.
OLD Advertising in the Monthly Newsletter 2008
Ads are certainly welcome! However, they must be barbershop-related and camera-ready.
Pay in advance using the online form and payment options.
Ads must conform and payment to the editor the 10th of any month. Ads may be submitted by e-mail and should be converted to “high quality print” PDF from the source application.
OLD Advertising Rates
Ad Size Mbr.1 Com.2
Full-Page $250 $375
2/3 Page $170 $255
1/2 Page $130 $195
1/3 Page $90 $135
1/4 Page $70 $105
1/8 Page $40 $60
Business card $20 $30
Display ad in 2.25. W column: per Col. In. $7 $10.50