This page last updated: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 0200h
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
If you have a question that is not answered here/below,
please contact our Camp Director at
What is Harmony Explosion Camp Northeast? (HXNE)
Simply put, Harmony Explosion Camp Northeast is one of the best and most unique musical enrichment opportunities available to high school-aged students and their teachers. A joint outreach effort of the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS), Harmony, Incorporated (HI), and Sweet Adelines International (SAI), HXNE Camp brings together young singers from the northeastern US and Canada for an intensive weekend of learning and music-making, under the leadership of stellar directors, clinicians, and coaches. This year's camp will be held August 3-6, 2023 (Thursday-Sunday) at beautiful Worcester State University in Worcester, MA.
Who can attend Harmony Explosion Camp Northeast?
The camp is open to any student who has completed 8th grade (typically aged 13-14); students may attend through the summer following their 12th grade (senior) year (typically aged 17-18). We also have a peer leader program (ages 18-24), for more information please visit
Chaperones are also a vital piece to the camp and are accepted aged 24 and older (HXNE has the right to choose its chaperones using criteria outlined in the job description). Information about becoming a chaperone can be found here:
A separate track is available for professional music educators and collegiate music education majors, more information can be found on our website:
Why is this camp so much less expensive than comparable music camps?
The estimated “real cost” per-person cost of just over $400 is subsidized by the generous support of Harmony Foundation International - and by contributions from chapters, quartets and individuals from men's and women's barbershop organizations, allowing us to set tuition rates at a lower cost.
For tuition rates, visit our registration site
The camp is a nonprofit entity, and all the staff volunteer their time for the weekend. If you would like to make a financial contribution to the program, you may donate by credit card via the online DONATE buttons, the Camp Registration site, using the downloadable, fillable form, or by contacting We are grateful for gifts of any amount.
How do I attend as a chaperone?
Chaperoning for HXNE Camp is an extremely rewarding experience and is essential to the success of the camp in general. For further questions about what specific responsibilities chaperoning entails, please contact us at or visit our website for a brief job description:
How do I register for HXNE Camp?
It is easiest and fastest to complete an Online Registration! Once your registration is submitted, you will be directed to print out and complete your required forms, which you will then send to our registrar. If you are unable to register online, you may also obtain a paper offline registration form – see the downloadable files to print.
How do I know I'm registered?
You will receive an instant registration receipt once your online registration has been submitted as well as a follow-up confirmation email. Once your forms have been received, you will receive an email with a link to a “participant only” page which will allow you to download your information packet, music, and learning tracks.
What can I expect to experience at the camp?
You'll join over 150 other young singers in an experience you won't forget! You will sleep in the college dormitories, eat in the college cafeteria on an all-you-can eat meal plan (and the food is great!), attend dynamic rehearsal sessions, sectional rehearsals, and workshops, and listen to quartets or sing tags at the picnic and ice cream social. The weekend culminates in a Saturday evening concert, featuring the camp choruses and guest stars from the international barbershop stage. For adults, you have the same amount of fun and an experience that is incomparable! Adults get to join 50+ other adults in a chorus to perform on Saturday night also!
When do I need to arrive at Worcester State University?
All attendees should check-in on Thursday, August 3, 2023 in Sheehan Hall. Our staff will be ready to welcome Chaperones & Peer Leaders at 11:30am and Music Educators & Campers between 2:00pm-3:00pm.
When will I be departing from Worcester State University?
Participants of the camp (excluding Chaperones) may choose whether to stay until Sunday, August 6, 2023 (to depart between 8:00am-9:30am) OR Saturday, August 5, 2023 after the All-Camp Showcase event (estimated end time ~9:45pm). While registering for HXNE Camp, an attendee will need to choose the day of departure. The tuition cost of HXNE Camp includes staying until Sunday morning. If a participant chooses to leave or stay on an alternate day/date from what is annotated on the registration form, the participant will be responsible for the difference in cost.
What type of music will I be singing?
Repertoire at the camp is a mixture of men's and women's barbershop and TTBB/SSAA choral literature. Past selections have run the gamut from Coney Island Baby to Under the Boardwalk to Tomas Luis de Victoria's Weep, O Mine Eyes and Franz Biebl's Ave Maria. We've also performed songs from the famous movies of Pitch Perfect, Les Miserables and some other favorites! Our clinicians include respected educators and award/medal-winning champion barbershoppers. (Often both!)
I've never sung barbershop - what do I need to know?
The fundamentals of singing and technique are the same for barbershop as for any other style of choral singing, although some of the stylistic conventions may be new to you. You will also need to choose your appropriate barbershop voice part. To find out more about the art of barbershop, please visit our website:
I currently sing in a barbershop quartet - what can the camp do for me?
Bring your whole quartet and get coached by our staff! Refine your barbershop skills, sing in a large chorus, perform for your peers, and learn some new repertoire and tricks of the craft while having a wonderful time.
I'm a school choral teacher (or an aspiring one) … what can HXNE Camp do for me and my program?
The timing of the camp provides a perfect opportunity to energize your choral students in preparation for the new school year. The activities of the camp help students to train their ears, read music, tune close harmonies, improve part independence, and sing expressively. Personally, you can observe some master teachers and clinicians in action, pick up some new tricks of the trade, share your own insights and techniques with colleagues from a wide geographic area, learn some new repertoire, and generally "recharge your batteries" before heading back to the classroom in September. Collegiate music education majors gain valuable experience before student teaching or moving into the workforce, interacting both with high school students and seasoned professionals. We may be able to offer CEU’s for music educators who need credit for professional development.
My students are attending - what are my responsibilities as a teacher?
Ready for some great news? You can attend the camp with your students, but you are not their chaperone! No hustling them from one activity to another, no room checks at night or wake-up calls in the morning - you're not even housed in the same building! We have a full staff of chaperones who are responsible for the students while you get to take classes, observe rehearsals, and sing in the educators' chorus! As like most music festivals, we certainly encourage you to go over the music with your students before the camp, but they can practice on their own with provided MP3-file learning tracks. NOTE: We encourage students to arrange their own transportation with their families, but if you plan to drive a group of students to/from camp, we strongly suggest you follow whatever protocols your school district uses for permission for student transport to protect yourself from any liability.
HXNE Camp sounds great! How can I support this venture?
Tell everyone about us! Refer singers you know to our website! If you'd like to donate, use the "DONATE TO NED YOUTH" button below or on our registration page. Please contact us via email to find ways to help.