High Voice Chorus Director
About Our
Special Guest Clinicians, Directors, Coaches
Low Voice Chorus Director
Wendy McCoole took on directorship of the Sounds of the Seacoast in October of 2003 — the very group her father, Jim Dodge, founded in 1978 (known then as the Harborbelles).
Music has always been a mainstay in Wendy’s life. She played guitar, sang and wrote songs all through her young adulthood and although she grew up in a barbershop family and loved going to shows, she didn’t truly catch the bug until she was in her late 20's when she starting singing in quartets, performing on shows and going to competitions.
Wendy has won three International Quartet Championships singing with Exhilaration, Harmony, Inc.'s 2005 International Quartet Champions, Limited Edition in 1995 and Heart's Delight in 1989 (with her sister Debbie). The sisters also founded New England Voices in Harmony, a women’s barbershop chorus based out of Nashua, NH.
Wendy is a Certified Singing Judge with Harmony, Inc. She has taught at numerous barbershop schools and coached a number of men’s and women’s quartets through New England and southern Canada.
Cay Outerbridge is the Musical Director of the Vocal Revolution Barbershop Chorus, and the Bass of the 2019 Northeastern District Quartet Champion Daily Special.
He brings many barbershop skills to the table as a sought-after arranger and coach, certified Barbershop Harmony Society Music Judge, and aspiring vocal pedagogue and leadership thinker. Cay also directs the vocal ensembles at Gann Academy, and teaches private voice lessons.
Cay travels the country as a Certified Music Judge in the Barbershop Harmony Society. He is a sought-after arranger and vocal coach whose expertise spans many genres and styles of a cappella music.
2023 Camp Staff & Leadership Team:
Bass Clef Chorus Teaching Faculty:
Wildfire Quartet
Tenor: Andrew Lujan
Lead: Stephen Goldman
Baritone: Kevin Mendez III
Bass: Harrison Cooke
These guys hail from Florida, Georgia and Tennessee, and beat out 19 other young quartets from around the world to capture the Next Generation Barbershop Varsity Quartet Contest in 2019. This was the second year of competition for Wildfire, who captured third place in 2018.
Treble Clef Chorus Teaching Faculty:
Duly Noted Quartet
Tenor: Raegan Stauffer
Lead: Madison Riviere
Baritone: KaleyAnna Raabe
Bass: Emily Ellsworth
Four young women who love close harmony tunes met in the Fall of 2018 and decided to get together and create the quartet Duly Noted. After a couple of months of rehearsal, a quick and close friendship formed, and the quartet decided to enter the 2019 Sweet Adelines Regional Competition. New to the game, they quickly began to understand the scope of their new “hobby.” A few months later, Duly Noted participated in the Sweet Adelines International Rising Star competition in Manchester, England and were elated to be named the 2019 Rising Star Champions.
Having scored high enough at Regionals that same year, they qualified as a Wildcard Quartet at the 2019 SAI International in New Orleans, claiming the Novice Quartet award at their first International Competition. After a 3-year contest hiatus due to the pandemic, Duly Noted returned to the 2022 Region 9 Regional Contest and placed 1st, qualifying for the 2022 International Competition in Phoenix, Arizona.
The group was ecstatic to make the Top 10 at the 2022 International Contest and is now the 7th ranked quartet in Sweet Adelines International. Duly Noted has had the privilege of teaching at several Youth Harmony Camps and Workshops and love every opportunity to share their music and give back to the youth and barbershop communities. All four girls are passionate about barbershop and claim it is in their blood! Madison Riviere (Slamka), lead and Emily Ellsworth (Hitt), bass, are homegrown barbershoppers, as children of barbershop International Champions. Raegan Stauffer, tenor, and KaleyAnna Raabe, baritone, were introduced to barbershop singing in High School under the direction of their Chorus Director, International Queen, Debbie Cleveland. These ladies are enjoying their journey and are excited to see where the adventure will lead them.
MORE INFORMATION on other HXNE programs:
Music Educator Program/Track
Adult Chorus Feature
Peer Leader Program